Understanding How Kids Interpret Learning Backgrounds

Explore how children's perspectives of their learning backgrounds impact their overall learning experience.

Vanesa Ogando

5/2/20243 min read

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

Why do we learn

When we think about learning, we usually think about what we want or need to know to grow in our careers. If we are about to learn something that we like as a hobby or something we found passion in, we may find easy all the work and effort we need to place to learn something new.

On the other hand, if we are learning something we dislike or are not interested in, even though we may not want to study it, we know we need to because later it will be a powerful and valuable tool. The idea that we will obtain a benefit from our studies gives us a purpose that fuels us and keeps us engaged during our learning journey.

This shows that adults are conscious of the importance of what we learn, but kids usually can not see how their learning matters to the world and themselves.

What happens when kids don't understand class?

One of my students' most popular questions is always, Why is this important, teacher? Or How does this apply to real life? When am I going to use that? This shows how disconnected our students are from the topic we teach, which tremendously impacts how they perceive their learning.

When kids don't understand the importance of something, they ignore it; if they can not see something worthwhile in it, they try to avoid it or skip it.

If we think about it, that is a reasonable response; if someone would come and make us learn something that we have never seen before and make us spend several hours, days, or even months on learning it, under the promise that that is going to make us be a success on life, even though we have not seen non one else using it we are going to feel distrustful.

We will rebel against the idea of someone forcing us to make something that we find useless.

The correct approach will make sure student are aware during their learning.

Educators must make students aware of the relevance of their learning topics. Students need to understand what this new thing they are learning is, its significance, and how it relates to their lives and the world.

The first thing we need to teach when introducing something new is the matter's importance, the concept's background, and its most basic meaning. Only when we clarify those points can we start to dive deep into the extent of the subject.

Motivation and understanding are key factors in developing self-directed study.

When students understand the concept better, it not only enhances their comprehension but also accelerates their learning. This is because they are no longer in the dark about what they are learning; they can clearly see the importance and relevance of the topic.

One of the key benefits of making learning relevant is that it sparks motivation in students. Students become more curious in class, asking more questions and investigating for themselves. They develop more ideas and projects for investigations that increase their knowledge.

This motivation drives them to delve deeper into the subject, learn more, and strive to master the new topic because they understand its importance in the world and its value to them. Students feel inspired and desirous of creating something valuable to others, making them feel special and like they are making a difference around them.

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